Further funding awarded to ELFy by London's Tower Hamlets

Following a successful trial of ELFy Asthma and ELFy Epilepsy in London's Tower Hamlets, we have been awarded more funding by Tower Hamlets Together Staff Innovation Fund to continue our work in the borough, including the development of one or two new variants.

A local GP and member of the evaluation panel commented: 'ELFy was always one of the strongest (of the staff innovation projects). I was particularly impressed by the ease of use of the app. Also it is key that we support patients to manage their own health and this is what the app is designed to do. The pilot evaluation showed good results in terms of feeling healthier. I was also impressed to see that farther down the line people continued to use it, which I consider a very good sign. Finally I know from the pilot scheme that the app improved engagement with BAME women which is fantastic. I can see future apps working with different conditions being an important part of health care.'

Michael Keating, THT PMO, added: 'The person-centred approach of the Tower Hamlets Together Vanguard was embedded in our design principles.  This was why we supported the use of the ELFy app as an innovative way of meeting local needs, particularly of BAME women, and helping tackle health inequality.'