Why everyone with asthma should have an Action Plan

The National Institute of Health Research has highlighted the results of a major study showing that supported self-management can significantly reduce unscheduled use of healthcare services among asthma patients: https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-017-0823-7

The study points out that the value of a personalized asthma action plan (PAAP) is incontrovertible (Patients are 4 times less likely to be hospitalised with an asthma attack if they have been issued with an action plan (Asthma UK). Yet only a small proportion of patients are actually issued with one.

Right across the social spectrum, taking medication every day is never as simple as it sounds. This is a huge problem that is largely overlooked; yet solutions such as providing action plans to all asthma patients needn’t be complicated or expensive.

ELFy is an alerts-plus app supporting people with long-term conditions. Every ELFy variant has a user-friendly Action Plan.